
OLIMEX Pinguino32, ITDB02 running!

Just got ITDB02 8bits running with OLIMEX Pinguino32 board.

ITDB02 and Pinguino32

OBS: Needs remove C20 capacitor from OLIMEX pinguino board.

OBS²: Needs remove all resistors from ITDB02 Shield.

14 comentários:

Pinnchus disse...

Great man..., i see you are not using port B, can you share your connections and change on the ITDB02 library?
Are you using 16 or 8 bit version?


Pinnchus disse...

Sorry, I meant port E

Marcus Fazzi disse...

I using ITDB02 8bits version ...
I made all needed changes... and already committed to pinguino svn.

Pinnchus disse...

Hi Marcus, I finally got my 16Bit ILI9325 Display working on PIC32 OTG. Has some minors differences, because i use two 74HCT373 use only 8bit/pins (Whole PORT E in Conn3) from the board.
What i can't figure out is, why when I remove the millis() function everything stop working.
If I remove the whole line "printNumI(millis(), CENTER, 305);" the display stop working, but if just replace this line with this "millis();" everything start working again.
Sounds weird.

Thanks a lot, great job!!!! Very Helpfully

Marcus Fazzi disse...

I saw that error, and cant locate a reason for it... sorry. We need send it to Jp Mandon, pinguino leader.

Unknown disse...

There are several ITDB02. I have ITDB02-2.4D. Can I connect to a PIC32 Pinguino Micro.
What links were made with OLIMEX Pinguino32?
The Library was this used?

Marcus Fazzi disse...

I used ITDB02 2.4" type D, out of production by now, with OLIMEX's Pinguino32 OTG

Unknown disse...

Will you help me?
I2c wanted to leave the door open. For that wanted to use RB14 instead of RD10.

PORTBbits.RB14 // pin 19 before PORTDbits.RD10
#define LCD_WR PORTDbits.RD1 // pin 18 before PORTDbits.RD9
#define LCD_CS PORTBbits.RB4 //pin 17
#define LCD_REST PORTBbits.RB3 //pin 16

But just does not work. What is the reason?

Marcus Fazzi disse...

If you do it, you need connect RB14 to ITDB RS and cut RD10 pin on ITDB Shield or nowt use it and make all connections using wires.

The files are here:

Unknown disse...

I'm not using the Shield. I made the connections directly to the Pinguino 32 micro.
And working with the links used in the library.
Only by changing the library for the RB14 as I did in the code before crash.

Marcus Fazzi disse...

Have you changed line 116 too?

#define dLCD_RS TRISDbits.TRISD10 //pin 19

#define dLCD_RS TRISBbits.TRISB14

Unknown disse...
Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.
Unknown disse...

Added the function fastDelay(); where the LCD it enter command mode and solved the problem

void LCD_Write_COM(int VH,int VL) {

Marcus Fazzi disse...

very good! but this should work without this delay.