I bought a Newsmy Newpad T7, this runs Android ICS 4.0.3
I Made a custom Android ICS 4.0.3 ROM, with some changes:
Applied to Official Newsmy FW:
1- Internal Storage (/data) resized from 512MB to 2GB
2- Removed chinese keyboard, and added Xoom 4.0.4 keyboard (we can put it back, easy)
3- Google Play Music 2, App
4- Rooted with Superuser.apk and hacked su binary
5- Removed some ringtones, notifications for more space on /system
6- Removed all chinese market apps and rkebookreader apks, for more space
7- Default language as en/US
8- Default timezone as America/Sao_Paulo GMT -3 (Amazon Time, my timezone :P)
9- Titanium Backup as system app
10- Gtalk with vídeo suporte as system app
11- keep ApkInstaller, rk29 DeviceTester
12- added Dev Tools,
13- Swapped External SD and Internal SD mount points. (now using a 32GB SD as internal SD!)
14- Added bash as sh symlink, you can have advanced shell.
15- Many changes to build.prop
GPU have a very high performance...
Tablet got 1590 points under Quadrant app
ChainFire3D works nice with DeadSpace (Qualcomm) and Riptide (Tegra)
Netflix not working, don't know if it is a network issue here.
Files here: