Info do pacote aqui:
Fiz muitas alterações inclusive ao emulador, o qual não foi Eu quem criou e sim a galera do GP2X.
Pagina do projeto no garage:
Info do pacote aqui:
A versão 0.6-r1 tem praticamente todas as facilidades de outros emuladores famosos... divirtam-se!
O pacote já se encontra no extras-devel, e é instalável pelo Gerenciador de Aplicativos.
cps2emu (0.6-r1) unstable; urgency=highAlém dessas funcionalidades o emulador detecta se tens um controle da PS3 conectado por bluetooth! ;-)
* postinst revised, again
* We not need ~/MyDocs/ROMs/CPS2 anymore
* State SAVE and LOAD working, use 'l' to show MENU
* CPS2gui now can load from any folder
* Last file and folder used, when reopen cps2gui.
* HiScore working, romname.hi are saved to "./hi"
* Save state on exit and load state on start a game, saved to "./state"
* Autocreate ./nvram and ./hi
* Config file at ~/.config/cps2emu/cps2gui.conf
-- Marcus Fazzi (Anunakin)Thu, 28 Oct 2010 15:56:13 -0300
cps2emu (0.5) unstable; urgency=high
* postinst revised
* first release for extras-devel
* cps2gui package merged
-- Marcus Fazzi (Anunakin)Tue, 26 Oct 2010 10:11:55 -0300
cps2emu (0.4) unstable; urgency=low
* romcnv renamed to cps2romcnv
* cps2romcnv and cps2emu compiles with same Makefile
* Now we have a cps2gui!
* cps2gui, not in same Makefile and .deb, for now! ;)
-- Marcus Fazzi (Anunakin)Sat, 23 Oct 2010 22:38:13 -0300
cps2emu (0.3) unstable; urgency=low
* Support to PS3 Dualshock/Sixaxis controlers.
-- Marcus Fazzi (Anunakin)Thu, 21 Oct 2010 09:36:45 -0300
cps2emu (0.2) unstable; urgency=low
* XSBC-Bugtracker added to debian/control
* extras-devel release
* Insane ARM Cortex A8 CFLAGs!
-- Marcus Fazzi (Anunakin)Tue, 19 Oct 2010 14:46:15 -0300
cps2emu (0.1) unstable; urgency=high
* Binaries and Sources from
-- Oriol FarrasMon, 18 Jan 2010 09:34:34 -0300